• Getting written ideas, or ideas, ideas, my kingdom of ideas

    Where do you get your ideas from? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions from writers. I was even asked about this by other writers! It always surprises me. Ideas are everywhere. For me, the question is, rather, “What ideas to use?”

    Every thing, problem, experience, good day, bad day, event, age and (especially) person is the seed for our fiction or non-fiction. In this article, I will focus on fiction and characters. Often we don’t want to listen to old songs or listen to almost half of our ear. They are waffles; they forget; they repeat; they talk about people we have never heard of, as if we know them; and they fight for names, dates and places. It just seems too tedious, tedious and tedious. Right? Wrong! Our old work is an invaluable resource.

    Never underestimate the entire life experience of our oldies. It can be a treasure trove of information about family, society and the general state of the world as it once was. Whether you use their information or not, it gives a rounded aspect to your writing knowledge and is reflected in your finished product. Personally, I am very interested in listening to older people. Yes, it can be a good story, poorly told, and usually with a lot of repetition and convolution. but not always. In addition to learning interesting things about both social issues and the changes in how we once lived life compared to the present, we can learn a lot about ourselves.If they do talk too much, interview them. They will love it and you will find it a much more interesting experience that will lead to the type of information you need or need - even if you don’t know where to start.

    In addition, there are all the people with whom we communicate every day, from close relatives to complete strangers. Taking public transport can lead to an interesting circle of people, each with many stories to tell. This is one of my favorite resources. Ignoring the rudeness, you can observe people and ask questions (silently, of course - or maybe not) about who they are, where they go, why are they dressed like that, do they like to wear it at all? either it is a restriction due to work or religion or more social. What would they rather do? Who are they at work versus who they are at the weekend? Are they different with different friends? Aren’t we all? After all, our friends fuel every aspect of our personality.

    What are their dreams, goals, interests?

    Ideas can come from any source. Be open to triggers. Even if you use the paper writing service, you can highlight many different ideas even from this resource. Something someone says, how they say it, why they say it. Always ask questions not only to people, but also to yourself and about everything.

    The writer should be interested in as much as possible. This is essential to your craft and to anyone striving for success as a writer.If you’re not naturally curious, when you put on your writer’s hat, you become curious, like a cat, about everything. Read widely. Fiction is important to a writer, but also read non-fiction, newspapers, specialty magazines, genres outside of your usual interests. Read novels, short stories, poems, history, biographies. Everything and everyone. Use write my paper for even greater letter writing skills. Listen to radio, news; watch fiction, documentary and entertainment literature. Visit galleries, museums, parks, playgrounds, especially if you don’t usually do this.

    If you really can’t get interested in some of these things, let your “character” take an interest. In fact, it can be really instructive if your character is doing some of these tasks. You don’t need to include any of these in your fiction, but you will get to know your character better and write them as rounder and more real “people.”

    Eavesdrop. Don’t be obvious; don’t be rude. But you will learn a lot about dialogue and characters, as well as gain insights from eavesdropping. This is a great way to complement characters.

    A good writer is an “informed” writer. Therefore it is important to use a free essay writer to get even more writing information. When it comes to preparation for writing, as well as a broad interest in things, sit down with your character and interview him. Learn everything you can about them, even if you don’t use them all. As your character becomes a well-rounded “person” with history and life experiences, you’ll find that ideas flow and writing will go much smoother. This will allow you to access the depth of your character where the universal core resides. This is what the reader wants and this is the real “secret” of success.

    Ideas are everywhere. Perhaps the real question should be: “How do you make an idea interesting?” The writers really need to ask the following questions: How do you use ideas from everyday life? What ideas am I combining? And what will my readers be interested in?

    Once you have a basic theme, it will be much easier for you to decide what you are using and where you are getting ideas from. Knowing your character as closely as possible will prove to be a suitable vehicle to advance your topic without becoming didactic, moralistic, or boring. Two together, “theme and character” is where the key to ideas can be found.

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